Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Today I woke up feeling like I needed to have something sweet. That´s why I decided to make cupcakes. I had never made vanilla cupcakes because I usually go for chocolate ones. I guess I needed a change and try something new.

I found the recipe in Spanish so I´m not sure if you´re gonna understand the measurements. I´m sure you all know how to make cupcakes but.. just in case if you have any doubts just ask!


Butter 180 gr.
Sugar 130 gr.
Eggs 3
Vanilla essence 1 ts
Flour 250 gr.
Baking powder 20 gr.
Milk 100 cc.
Chocolate chips AS MANY AS YOU WANT

1- I usually place the butter near the stove so it melts a little and it´s not hard. When it´s soft enough put it in a small bowl and mix it with the sugar. Add the eggs and the vanilla essence and mix it all together.

2- Mix the flour with the baking powder and start adding it to the previous mix along with the milk.

3- Add as many chocolate chips as you want!

4- Put it in the oven and they should be ready in 20 minutes.

What are your favourite kind of cupcakes? Mine are chocolate ones, but these were pretty good too! :)

 photo Cupcakesblog2_zps756c0e78.jpg
 photo Cupcakesblog1_zpsa1da760e.jpg
Hoy me levanté sintiendo que necesitaba comer algo dulce. Por esta razón decidí hacer cupcakes. Nunca había hecho cupcakes de vainilla porque siempre hago de chocolate. Creo que necesitaba un cambio e intentar algo nuevo.

Encontré la receta en español entonces no se si van a entender como son las medidas. Estoy segura que saben hacer cupcakes pero por si acaso no duden en preguntar si tienen alguna duda.


Manteca 180 gr.
Azúcar Rubia 130 gr.
Huevos 3
Escencia de Vainilla 1 cdta.
Harina 250 gr.
Polvo de Hornear 20 gr.
Leche 100 cc.
Chips de Chocolate TODOS LOS QUE QUIERAN

1- Usualmente pongo la manteca al lado de una hornalla para que se ablande y asi no está tan dura. Cuando está lo suficientemente blanda poner en un recipiente y mezclarla con el azúcar. Agregar los huevos y la escencia de vainilla. Mezclar todo.

2- Mezclar la harina con el polvo de hornear e ir agregando a la mezcla anterior en forma alternada con la leche.

3- ¡Agregar todos los chips de chocolate que quieran!

4- Poner a horno moderado a fuerte por alrededor de 20 minutos.

¿Cuáles son sus tipos de cupcake favoritos? Mis favoritos son los de chocolate pero ¡estos también me gustaron mucho! :)

Have a great day!


  1. That sounds delicious, I always make chocolate ones as well. There's a chocoholic in the house. :p

    1. Thank you for stopping by! :) Haha I can see that, chocolate is so hard to resist, right?

    2. Very much so. There's a cake in my old city, well, it's a cafe, but the cake is the important part. The dough is thick dark chocolate, with a milk chocolate filling, frosted with runny dark chocolate and topped with some lighter chocolate. It's called Cokolatina. Awesome. :D

  2. Great recipe - love the instructions beside the chocolate chips - as many as you like. Girl after my own heart: you can never have too much choc!
    Lianne x

    1. Thank you for leaving me a comment! :) Yes, I´m not sure if this happens to you too but chocolate makes me so happy! :D

  3. My favourite flavour of cupcake...oh so hard! Got to be chocolate!! Your cupcakes looks really yummy xx


    1. Thank you! :) My favourite flavour of cupcake is chocolate too!

  4. banana-chocolate cupcakes, the best :)

  5. mari, i finally e-mailed you! check your spam if you can't find it :)

  6. Tienes en mi blog dos premios esperándote!! =)

