Sunday, May 5, 2013


The last few days have been rainy and that made me miss spring so much. Don´t get me wrong, I love fall. In fact today is a pretty sunny day so that´s why I feel like this song is the apropiate one for ths day. Joy Williams is an amazing song writter and singer. You should check out her YouTube channel.

Los últimos dias han estado lluviosos y esta situación me ha hecho extrañar la primavera. No me malinterpreten, me encanta el otoño. Hoy es un día soleado y por esta razón siento que esta canción es apropiada para este día. Joy Williams es una excelente escritora y cantante. Si les interesa visiten su sitio en YouTube.

Have a beautiful day!


  1. It's been rainy here too - but it's a spring/summer rain over here :) Instead of perfect rainy day music I've been watching perfect rainy day movies!

  2. lovely happy song!!
    how have you been?? did you ever get my e-mail? if not, my mailaddress is supersonic (underscore) butterfly (at) yahoo (dot) com
    give us some blognews amiga :)
