Tuesday, April 30, 2013


A few weeks ago I won a giveaway Stacie hosted in her blog Gingiber. She is an incredibly talented illustrator and has been doing a 52 Weeks of Dogs project which in my opinion is really inspiring.
I finally welcomed into my home this stunning illustration of a Greyhound. I don´t have a dog so I feel like even tho he´s not a real one, he will still keep me company!

Algunas semanas atras gané una giveaway que organizó Stacie en su blog Gingiber. Es una ilustradora incredible y ha estado haciendo un proyecto llamado 52 Weeks of Dogs que en mi opinion es muy inspirador.
Finalmente recibi en mi casa esta hermosa ilustracion de un Galgo. No tengo perros, por lo tanto siento que aunque este no sea un perro real, ¡igualmente me va a hacer compañia!

 photo gingiberblog1_zps24c27549.jpg photo gingiberblog2_zps99f1ba60.jpg

Have an beautiful day!


  1. so fun!!! what are your plans for it? will you frame it?

  2. that's beautiful... i too read that blog and i'm in love with it.
